Phone Radiation

By Joe Atkin, Brayden Ward and William Reuben, Graphic Design BA

A hologram that has a user interaction build in this is done by allowing people to text the device (Arduino) . This increases the radiation within the room which was shown visually through a morph: an image. This would change and expand by the number of text messages it receives; we programmed the Arduino to reply texts when it reached 15 texts. The message replied read \’Mobile phone radiation is present almost everywhere you go. We have created a visual response to the amount of radiation you are exposed to in this exact room at this exact time due to your text\’.

The project makes use of an Arduino attached to a GPRS shield. The shield required an active phone SIM card, which could be programmed through the Arduino to send and receive texts to a series of numbers. The Arduino was then linked to a computer through a serial connection. A stream of integers was sent along the serial port based on the number of texts received through the GPRS shield. This data was interpreted by the processing applet converted into a series of animations that were played through the computer.